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Fate Of A Nation – Tale Of Four Gamers

It can be hard work making your way through the steamy jungles of Vietnam so if you are looking for something different you can check out what the Breakthrough Assault team have been up to. Four members of the team have decided to start building their own Fate Of A Nation armies with a Tale Of Gamers challenge with a difference.

A Tale of Gamers is organised between a group of friends and the aim is to finish a project over an agreed amount of time. By adding a timeline to their challenge this means there needs to be rules… and consequences. The consequences are how you incentivise yourself to not fall behind whilst applying the punishments to your friends (or foes!) can be almost as rewarding as finishing the army itself.

Check out their first post here where they explain exactly what they are up to…

If you like their idea then you can either challenge your friends to do the same thing (either with ‘Nam or Fate Of A Nation) and share your results in our Facebook Group. We have our 25% Discount Launch Sale going if you want join in the fun, or if you just want to take advantage of the sale to pick up some T-55, PT-76, M48, Centurion or M113s at a good price!

Click here to go to the Fate Of A Nation Website…